Saturday, February 20, 2010

Super-Cross and a Bit of Fitness

    So this coming weekend, Feb. 26-28 I am going to Atlanta for Super-Cross. :-) My friend Cory, Samantha, and I went last year and it was quite a trip.  We are staying with some of Samantha's family, and more than likely will be playing poker Friday and possibly Saturday night.  Last year I won 100 dollars!  Maybe lady luck will be with me again. 
    This year will be another good race since Bubba Stewart and Chad Reed, two of the best riders, due to misfortunes have no chance at placing. Which will give the younger riders a chance to stand up and take the throne.  Last time I checked Dungey and Hill were tied for first, but with the wide range of experience in the standings; it should be a very interesting season.

    By the way the P90X recovery drink came in the mail, and it is like everyone says it is. . . it tastes like an orange creamsicle. However, if you use tap water instead of purified water it has a strange tinge to it. Overall it tasted good, but I would recommend using very cold water.  As for the Recovery aspect of it, it worked wonders! I used NOXplode to help my body push itself to it's limits, and using the Peak Performance Recovery drink definitely helped, I wan't sore at all the next morning.

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be."
       -David Viscott

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


    My friends Scott and Ethan recently started the P90X workout with me.  We have been working out at Scott's place since his apartment has a concrete base and doesn't shake when we jump or if we accidentally drop weights.  Plus he has a lot more space for the three of us to exercise.  Today is Yoga X, it's Scott's second time and Ethan's possible first if he gets to come try it.  It's definitely not a walk in the park, some might think yoga is something only women do, but when I can out-run, out-play, and just perform better overall than those that think that we'll see who's laughing :-). It's an hour and a half workout and holding those poses will make the sweat run like a rushing river!

    I enjoy working out and/or running with friends because I am a very competitive person.  If they are starting to lift more, run faster, or outperform me; I push myself to keep up or surpass them.  That's why I love doing P90X with Scott and Ethan, because I really push for those extra reps and good form.  Scott and I also split the cost of the Peak Performance Drink that supplements the P90X workout.  From the reviews, it supposedly tastes like an orange creamsicle and is great for recovery and muscle building.  I'll let you all know how it works when it gets delivered, hopefully sometime this week.

"Rome was not built in a day, and neither was your body."
     - Tony Horton

Friday, February 5, 2010

Winter Adventures

    So last week when it began snowing I had no idea it would snow hard enough in one day to prevent me from returning home for the weekend.  I walked out to my car the next morning and noticed the 3-5 inches of snow on my car so Samantha and I spent nearly 30 minutes scraping all the ice and snow off it.  Then come to find out that it wouldn't budge more than about 5 inches in my parking lot.  So we decided to walk back to her apartment, which is only around a mile or so away.  It was quite an adventure, I felt like a nomad travelling in a desolate new land.

   As I pulled into the Commuter parking lot that next Monday I realized that it was a sheet of ice covered in snow, so everyone ended up guessing where the parking spots were.  Later on we all found out that we were parking everywhere except in the parking spots.  While walking to class I heard a few stories of people building a 10 foot tall snowman, a giant igloo, and throwing some epic snowball fights.  As for me I just spent the weekend relaxing, playing some cards, and of coarse keeping up with my P90X workout.

    The workouts are getting easier, I mean they're still tough, but I'm not getting near as sore as when I first started.  I recently began phase 2 of the workout which changes two of the disks out for two new ones.  The first one was "Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps" . . . and man was it tough.  I definitely felt that one for the next couple days.  The second new disk was "Back and Biceps", it wasn't terribly hard since I'm used to working those areas but it was still a pretty intense disk! Well who am I kidding . . . every disk is intense, but it's like the old saying goes, "No pain, No gain!"

"If we had no Winter, the Spring would not be so pleasant: If we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
   - Anne Bradstreet